Frequently asked questions

Learn more about Water On Wheels
WoW offers packaged and containerised water treatment plants, which is pre-engineered and compactly assembled in sturdy 40-foot airconditioned containers. The containerised treatment plants are designed to produce drinking water from brackish water, seawater and treated effluents with salinity up to 40000 ppm. Each plant can operate the entire range of treatment solutions including pre-treatment, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis, post treatment and energy recovery devices.
Our plants are designed to take in any kind of feed water up to a salinity of 40000 ppm. The plants are equipped with adequate safety and alert mechanism to keep membranes safe. Before we commence a project, as a standard practice, we conduct a detailed study on the raw water quality and we provide you with a report on the output water quality and quantity based on the raw water feed.
Our standard plant capacity is 0.5MLD. However, by integrating multiple units of our standard containerised unit, we can operationalise large treatment plants of any size in quick time. Each plant is designed to function independently and can also integrate with other units to function in synchrony. This allows the plant to be scaled up or down without losing the individual operability of each unit.
Yes. All our plants are pre tested and pre commissioned at our Fleet Control Facility before they are delivered at site. The plants are delivered at site as Plug and Play fully functional units.
If you are planning a water or waste water treatment project, large or small, reach out to us. We will develop the most appropriate plan, execute it a jiffy and finance it as well.
All we require from you is to Keep ready the raw water inlet, reject outlet, product water outlet, storage and power supply. From its ready stock, WOW will transport the plant to the site, plug and play the plant and operationalise it immediately. We provide a complete peace of mind to our client - there is no lengthy planning, civil work, erection, installation, commissioning etc
We offer a NO CAPEX solution for our clients. Our clients need not worry about big budget allocation or financial closure to implement their crucial water treatment requirements.
We will fully invest in the containerised treatment plant and enable an easy monthly billing model for the client. Monthly Billing could be structured as monthly water sale or a standard leasing model.
Currently we provide our treatment plants only on rental / lease basis and they are not available for full sale. We believe that hiring our plant on monthly billing is efficient use of your money. If you are planning to setup a plant of any size, you need not worry about budget allocation, capex, fund closure etc and rather subscribe it on a monthly basis and write off the plant expenditure as operating expenses.
Though on long term contracts, we provide you with a choice to own the plant after a defined period at an agreed price. Post handover of the plant, we can operate and maintain the plant for a nominal charge.
We are flexible on our lease options. We can provide our treatment plants for short and emergency usage of 3 months and can also sign up for long periods of over 10 years.
Yes. For long term contracts, we provide you with a choice to own the plant after a defined period at an agreed price. Post handover we can operate and maintain the plant for a nominal charge.
Yes. Our plants can be moved quickly on trucks to emergency sites to provide immediate relief. We can provide emergency support to all disaster situations such as floods, earthquakes, droughts, war or fire to establish a safe and reliable supply of purified water instantly. Our mobile units can also function as an immediate cover to ensure business continuity for industries, in case of an unexpected events such as plant failure, boiler or condenser leaks, water supply disruption or increased demand etc.
We will take full ownership for operating and maintaining the plant so that you can focus on your core business operations. All our plants are smart enabled and equipped with AI, IOT and cloud enabled. Operations and monitoring are automated. Our trained manpower will be at the plant location 24/7 and will be assisted by our fleet control team through remote access.
For maintenance and replacements, we use materials and equipment from approved leading global manufacturers
All our plants are smart enabled with Operations, Data analytics and Monitoring software. The software enables automated operations as well provides real time update on plant and equipment conditions and water quality reports. Based on these reports we conduct regular preventive maintenance for breakdown free operations. Our Fleet control centre maintains adequate spares and consumables for quick turnaround in case of any unexpected downtime.
For maintenance and replacements, we use materials and equipment from approved leading global manufacturers
Containerised water treatment plants have numerous advantages over traditional custom-built plants, the primary advantage being immediate implementation. Traditional plants have a lengthy implementation period from planning & proposal stage to final commissioning. It involves multiple approvals, deep financing, high pre-engineering costs and entails heavy civil work. Many such projects do not see the light of the day owing to these challenges.
Our Containerised plants are fully functional plug and play units which are easy to operate and eliminates all the challenges pertaining to traditional treatment plants. The Plug and play design ensure plant commissioning in quick time at optimal cost to the customer. For more reading click